Books: Yesterday's Tomorrows

I think my favourite chapter is on the Home of Tomorrow. Despite all the labour-saving devices and new materials, there was still a Housewife of Tomorrow; in the minds of people envisioning the future material changes would come and technology would come on in leaps and bounds but women still weren't getting out of the kitchen. Their shackles were just a bit shinier and more futuristic. Then there are the depressing 'atom bomb' houses, because people were that convinced nuclear war would make them necessary. The bomb might drop, but you, your husband and your 2.4 children could still enjoy family meals at the table and play board games all night!
It's not a depressing book, though. It's good fun seeing the retro-futuristic settings, the streamlined cars and wonderful things like personal helicopters. I'm quite happy that none of them came true, though.
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