Nice blog if you like making things
I stumbled across Jeggings Does Vintage yesterday and thought it would interest lots of people. Its writer, Jenny, plans to create one vintage item from scratch every month through 2011, and in January she knitted a really nice jumper that looks just wonderful on her.
I'd love to be able to make more things from vintage patterns myself, but freelance knitting and reviewing have a horrible habit of getting in the way – they ate most of last weeknd, which is why I haven't reviewed the radio version of The Big Sleep yet. I had planned to do a comparison with both the Bogart/Bacall film version and the original novel, but I had a novel to read for work instead (not the hardest life in the world, it has to be said!)
So, I will be following Jeggings Does Vintage and admiring her makes instead.
I'd love to be able to make more things from vintage patterns myself, but freelance knitting and reviewing have a horrible habit of getting in the way – they ate most of last weeknd, which is why I haven't reviewed the radio version of The Big Sleep yet. I had planned to do a comparison with both the Bogart/Bacall film version and the original novel, but I had a novel to read for work instead (not the hardest life in the world, it has to be said!)
So, I will be following Jeggings Does Vintage and admiring her makes instead.
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