Christmas with the Robots

A redheaded woman gulping a glass of wine

Can you keep a secret?

Mr Robot and I really enjoyed our lockdown Christmas.

Although we haven't spent Christmas away from home since my mother-in-law died, we usually go up to see my family some time between the end of November and Christmas, which along with my deadlines and the usual seasonal work parties can mean things get a bit hectic. This year, we were able to plan everything and relax, guilt-free. Okay, Ziggy threw a spanner in the works by hurting his paw – which is now all better – and we had thought of going into Bath one day but then decided against it, but the few days before were still lovely and peaceful. 

I always start gift shopping around September, because I know my deadlines are going to be craptastic no matter what and if I leave it till December it won't get done. This year everything was bought online, wrapped, and then mailed out again in time to arrive for Christmas. Annoyingly, two things I ordered in November didn't arrive, but I sent small substitutes and let the recipients know the Big Present would be delivered later. Mr Robot's of the opinion that quantity outweighs quality, so his presents included things like a bag of torreznos – Spanish pork scratchings – and a chocolate orange to make up the numbers. 

A hand holding a copy of Microbes Of Power by Alexander Wilson

We got dressed – I wore the dress I bought for last year's work party, a teal one with lurex stripes in – and started the day with eggs benedict, something that's become our custom in recent years. After that we fell on our mountain of gifts. Mr Robot spoiled me utterly rotten. We'd usually find a couple of spare evenings to go to Bath Christmas Market in early December. Obviously that was cancelled this year, but the organisers had put links to all the traders on their website so he was able to buy a lot from small businesses that way. He chose 'cosy' as a theme, and got me everything from sheepskin slippers to posh hot chocolate, velvet pyjamas to a British wool blanket (I like sitting under my blanket in my chair), socks that look like cat paws to a bit of vintage pulp fiction. He hasn't got anyone else to buy for, so he goes a bit loopy for me. He loved his big present, which was silk pyjamas.

Feet in socks that look like cat paws

We watched Muppets Christmas Carol – I cried, as always – and had a latish dinner.

A table set for Christmas dinner with a silver tablecloth and cut crystal glasses

Christmas dinner was goose, with everything that goes with it. Ziggy dutifully inspected the whole table to make sure it was up to standard. 

A brown tabby cat inspecting a display of flowers and a bottle of wine

Pippin stayed on the bed. We gave both cats a little dish of goose each, and madam didn't even come down for that, I had to take it up to her! We listened to Christmas tunes, and lingered so long we ended up going to bed afterwards.

It was a really lovely, peaceful day. I've been reading your blogs and enjoying your Christmasses, so I thought I'd share mine too. Here's to us all enjoying reading many more for years to come!


  1. I'm so glad you both had a lovely Xmas. Those presents all sound wonderful. I better hunt some of those posh scratchings down for Jon. he's obsessed with the things (can't take the boy out of the Black Country!
    Ziggy's snooty face sniffing the wine made me giggle as did lazy Pippin, that sounds like Stephen! xxx

  2. That sounds perfectly lovely. I am in love with those socks! Have a happy new year!

  3. Happy to read that you enjoyed your Christmas, and also happy that you've been properly spoiled with presents, torreznos and chocolates. Fabulousness! ;DD
    I'm a huge fan of Muppets Christmas Carol. A classic!
    Sending you hugs and best wishes for the New Year!
    besos & Feliz Año Nuevo

  4. Sounds like a perfect Christmas to me!

    Happy New Year to you and Mr. Robot.

  5. I have to agree: I loved this Christmas. I am usually so stressed by having to go see my family (here in town) or having to travel (for L's fam), that I don't really have a ton of enjoyment. This year, it was just us and Nick, and it was so chill and low-key. It's one of the best ever.

    I'm so glad you had such a fun day, Mim, and you deserve to be spoiled (as you saw, L also spoils me!). Big hugs to you, and here's to 2021!

  6. I am pleased to read that you had a lovely and relaxing Christmas day. You were - deservedly -utterly spoiled by Mr. Robot. I've seen those cat paw socks around and I think you need a pair. I love Ziggy inspecting the table, which is something Phoebe does too. And she too got her fair share of our Christmas dinner! The things we do for cats! xxx


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