The bloggers are in town

 Well, were in town - yesterday Gisela (Miss Magpie's Musings) and Emma (Ivy Black Chat) were in town, and Vix (Vintage Vixen) was trading at the Guildhall as Judy's Affordable Vintage Fair was in town, so we all went for a shop and natter. Gisela promised that if I wore my zombie dress, she'd wear her Cheshire cat one. Had to be done. It was really good to go round the stalls with Gisela and Emma, to hear what's been going on in their lives, and enjoy a cup of tea and a natter in town.

I'm increasingly a massive fan of Judy's; I always come away with plenty of items and there's always something good to be found. Vix had found a modern Laura Ashley Heritage dress for me, and I bought a wonderful olive/brown shimmering midcentury brocade suit from her too, and from another stall a cream dress, very simple but very 70s. (Yes, I know I'm not a 70s fan, but you've all been a bad/good influence on me). Annoyingly, none of it fits perfectly, but I'm still going to the gym so hopefully it won't be too long before I can wear it all.

On the weight front, I got my first proper idiotic comment on Twitter a little over a week ago. In a way, I'm surprised it took this long, as I work in magazines and my photo goes in the mag. So I got the most charming tweet telling me I was so fat and ugly I put someone off reading the magazine, and that I should lose some weight. What a gent! I won't pretend I wasn't hurt, but that quite rapidly turned to anger. Here's the thing: I watch what I eat. I go to the gym. But even if I did neither of those things, the only people whose business my weight is is mine, my doctor's (if I'm unhealthy – and for the record, my blood pressure and cholesterol are right where they should be, just like a thin person's), and my husband because I quite like him to fancy me. So here I am, with my friends, being visibly fat and wearing fun clothes.

The people you should spend time and energy on are those who like you for who you are. I'm not wasting time or energy on the haters!


  1. Goodness, how rude! What is wrong with people? How people dare to make such remarks boggles my mind. I'm sorry that idiot hurt your feelings, but personally, I think you look fabulous xxx

    1. Ta! I was upset for a bit, but I've bounced back. I had my office photoshoot today, and was just as silly in my shots as ever.

  2. Absolutely love!! You are fab as you are and no bugger has the right to project their crap on to you. If he ever came my way....well...It was great to see you again and we can do it all again next month. Hurrah!xxx

    1. It'll be all lovely and Christmassy next time too :-D

  3. Oo can't wait to see your purchases, they sound good. How lovely that you were able to meet up with some other stylish ladies. X

    1. None fit. But I shall continue to work on that. And meeting up with people is The Best.

  4. You do know that he's just an pathetic idiot lashing out at strangers because he can. If it weren't weight it would be your hair, being a woman, etc. He'd never have the balls to do it in person. They feel threatened so they resort to observations about appearance-so terribly clever. Probably thinks he's the first to think of it. Anyway, *steps down off soapbox*
    It is so wonderful to see all of you bloggers together! I'm sure it was a spectacular day.

    1. To be honest, I'd rather be thought fat and ugly than wank-fodder! It's not fat, it's twat-repellent...

  5. How horrible to get a comment like that. Really, some people have no manners whatsoever, and clearly he's blind as well: you are looking fabulous and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! That said, how lovely that you were able to meet up with Gisela, Emma and Vix! I like the sound of that brocade suit, and the cream 1970s frock! xxx

    1. None of the vintage fits, but I shall keep working on that. If I stick to the gym, and keep eating my fruit, all shall be well.

  6. It was fantastic to catch up with the three of you yesterday. I'm so jealous that I couldn't leave the stall and explore Bath with you.
    Your dress was totally insane, loved it!
    I hope it won't be too long until your new purchases fit you just right and we get some Mim outfit posts.
    Judy's fairs are just brilliant, there really is something for everyone regardless of age, shape or budget.
    I'm still outraged by that little tosser's comments - outrageously rude and completely untrue. Keep being fabulous! xxxxx

    1. I love my zombies. It's a very comfy dress too; Lindy Bop have gone up in my estimation. I'm going to stick to eating my fruit and going to the gym, and hopefully it will all eventually pay off - I'm not going gung-ho about losing weight, but I am making sure I don't over-indulge.

      Meh, I don't need the admiration of people like that. I'm just baffled by why people think it's okay to be so mean to complete strangers. If I don't like something, I walk away. To get his knickers in a twist over three (at most) postage-stamp sized photos in a mag he doesn't even have to buy is ridiculous. If he's that snowflakey, he should buy a pack of stickers and cover me up!

  7. Bloody hell! What a massive twat. How dare someone say something like that. I hope that you just let it wash off you, Mim. You are freakin' fabulous and if that toad ever slunk out from his Mum's basement long enough he would see that. I don't know what it is about the Internet that makes people think that they can just be an arse and get away with it. How great at having a lovely bloggers day out. That is fab that you got some cool vintage stuff. They all sound lovely and just your colours. Cream will be gorgeous for the winter and brocade sounds very dramatic and luxe. Your dress is wonderful. Xx

    1. I don't think he twigged that I probably am his mum's age, and not remotely interested in appealing to younger men. Or, indeed, any men who I'm not married to.

      The cream is summery, and very simple, a cream v-neck, sleeveless, princess seams, with a dagger collar edged in orange and turquoise. It's too long to be a tennis dress, but it has that feel. The brocade suit is really lush. I might wear the jacket, which I can get on, with other stuff.

  8. My dresses are drying and awaiting ironing before I try them on, I'm funny about always washing clothes first!

    It was a fab day and your zombie dress lived up to all my expectations.

    I'm glad you are not going to let that idiot get you down, he's just not worth it, the sad sack.


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