New (old) work bag

As someone who tries to look after things, I find it really frustrating when I wear something out, and for some reason I seem to burn through black 1960s bags. The vinyl handle cracked on my first one (I’ve still got the back but haven’t yet got round to repairing it), and the cardboard stiffening the second literally gave way, so that handle didn’t just come loose, it tore out a chunk of the structure. Happily, I’ve started seeing the sorts of bags I like creeping back into charity shops. I do have two black ’60s bags, but one has a lace front and the other is snakeskin, and both are really a little too evening-y for work. As soon as I saw this one over the weekend, I pounced. It was a tenner in my local hospice chazza.

I’m really not sure about the date of this one. Style-wise, it’s right in keeping with my 1960s handbags, but the original owner had clearly valued it as it still had its original swing tag inside, and that was made of moulded, embossed plastic. That tag screamed ‘1980s’ to me. I did find in Google Books the 1968 edition of Leathergoods, a leather trade industry magazine, a reference to Adrian Gold, so the firm was clearly active in the late 1960s (“The newest silhouette in Britain is the boxy bag, and Adrian Gold hope to have these in the shops by Easter to retail at the six-guinea level”) though most other online references to the company seem to be from the 1980s.

Perhaps the brand was popular with older ladies who had less on-trend tastes in bags – let’s face it, possibly the most famous handbag carrier of the 1980s was Margaret Thatcher, and hers were definitely not the fashionable sort. It’s perfectly possible for this to be a later bag in a very 1960s style. I don’t actually mind what the real date is; it’s the style that’s the important thing to me. And the fact that this one is leather, whereas the two I wore out were both vinyl. With luck, that means I won’t need to go hunting for another work bag any time soon.

Oh, and if you want a Ziggy update: his 'burns' are pretty much healed, we're just waiting for his fur to grow back, and he's eating a normal amount again, though he does go a bit dribbly for about 15-30 minutes after eating, so he's clearly got a slightly sore mouth still. And we haven't let either cat out since he came home, which is really annoying both of them! But I reckon he'll be fine.


  1. Fascinating fact for you, Margaret Thatcher and the Queen's handbags are by Launer, one of Walsall's few remaining leather companies. Sadly I've never found one in a charity shop!
    You did well with yours, £10 is a great price for something in such cracking condition.
    So pleased to hear that Ziggy's doing well. xxxx

    1. I knew the Queen's was, I didn't know the Thatch's were as well.

      The lining in this one is beige suede, and it's perfect. I fear it won't stay that way, as it's now my default black work bag.

  2. I fully approve of your new (old) bag, Mim. It's the kind of bag I'm always after, although I've banned myself from buying any more black ones. Great to hear Ziggy's on the mend! xxx

    1. I feel not the slightest guilt about buying more bags. I don't have *that* many and dealers usually sell them for 2-3 times the price, so I may as well buy them when I spot them.

  3. Gorgeous bag, Mim and double bragging points 'cos it is leather. I love the classic design. It is a very 60's shape. Really glad to hear that Ziggy is feeling better. Poor wee floofier. Cats don't half get themselves into some scrapes. Xx

    1. He has been a poorly boy. The vet says he doesn't need to see him again, which is good, though he'll still be on the anti-inflammatories for a while as his mouth keeps recovering.

  4. That bag is a beauty - the quality is obvious. Glad to hear Ziggy is getting better. xx

    1. I nearly didn't pick it up, but I'm glad I did.

  5. That's such a classic bag, it would never go out of style. Leather too! It only becomes an "Old Lady" bag if you have more than one hankie, a tin of Fisherman's Friend, a travel sewing kit, tissues (because the hankies won't do for blotting lippy)family photos, an address book, plasters, and several varieties of aspirin and non-aspirin pain relief. And antacid. That's basically the contents of MY handbag! Otherwise, it is just a lovely, conservative looking purse that goes with everything ;)

    I'm glad Ziggy is doing better.

    1. My bag contains: phone, ipod (on work days), money, cards (store/debit/work keycard), keys, lipstick, perfume samples. Depending on how long it's been since I last emptied it, there could be half-a-dozen perfumes. And that's usually my lot, perhaps tissues in winter.

  6. It's a beauty of a bag, I hope it serves you well! I'm decluttering my bags, I am a big bag person so all those tiny ones have to go..

    1. This is a medim bag, I think - I need to be able to get my phone in my bag. But I don't tend to carry much around with me.

  7. Poor wee floofier. Cats don't half get themselves into some scrapes. Xx


    1. We're making him stay inside now. He's not very happy with us! (And he got into the kitchen bin overnight scavenging for scraps, even though he has his own food in a proper dish.)

  8. What a great find, well done you! My Nan was still buying bags like this new in the early 80's then all of a sudden they no longer seemed to be available.

    I should declutter the bags a bit but I simply can't bring myself too....

  9. Lovely bag. Can't beat a top clasp boxy bag.


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