Crinoline Robot's vintage week

Woohoo! We've got the tree up and I'm finally feeling Christmassy - when the cats aren't driving me towards mogslaughter, that is. I've had to replace branches already thanks to Pippin hauling her fat furry arse up the Christmas tree. This is why I have unbreakable baubles. I miss putting up my glass baubles, but hopefully in a few years' time the cats will have grown up a bit and I'll be able to enjoy them again.

I've just had my first properly relaxing weekend in ages. Prepping for Mum's party, then the party, and going to London didn't leave much time for simply pottering around. The charity shops delivered a couple of goodies the weekend before last - a teal tweed Monsoon dress, and a bright green chenille skirt suit that looks like something yer nan would wear if she was one of Santa's elves, but I was still prepping myself mentally for the work Christmas party, and had a bit of freelance to do, so it wasn't exactly a restful weekend.

What did I wear to the Christmas party? A black velour tunic, miniskirt made of rough-woven black fabric with big flecks of red and beige in it, black tights, black shoes, a Christmas wreath brooch, and I carried my 60s snakeskin handbag. The clothing was all pretty old, but I didn't feel able to be glamorous, and then when I looked the night before the party, I realised I'd given my one party dress that might fit to a charity shop. Oops. So comfy won. And, to be honest, I was with my brilliant team, and they don't care what I look like, and we all had an ace time. The party was held at the Pump Rooms/Roman Baths, as it has been for a few years.

On Friday night we went for Mr Robot's annual blubfest - to see It's A Wonderful Life at the Little Theatre in Bath, complete with mulled wine, mince pies and carols. I hadn't thought I'd feel up to that after the party, and I was very tired, but I'm really glad we went. It's something we do because we like it, and it would have made me feel a little sad to miss it.

And then over the weekend I fitted in a bit more Christmas food prep (we've got friends coming over for Spanish nibbles on Christmas eve, so I made albondigas (meatballs) the weekend before last, and croquetas de jamon (serrano ham croquettes) last weekend, and they're in the freezer. It'll reduce the amount of time I need to spend in the kitchen on Christmas Eve, which will be handy as we pick the goose up that day so Mr Robot will be turning the giblets into goose terrine so there won't be much room in the kitchen for me. I also did some more work on my embroidered tablecloth. Not much, but it felt soooo good to pick it up again after weeks of not having time for it.

I've also been able to read a book FOR MYSELF. I do love freelancing as a book reviewer for SFX and Horrorville, but it's nice to choose what I read sometimes. I'm rereading Night Watch, my favourite Terry Pratchett book. Terry died in 2015, but I've been feeling this year like the world really could do with a big dose of his clear, yet kind, vision. As much as humour, the humanity shines out from every page of Night Watch. I'm really enjoying it.

Pippin, meanwhile, has really been enjoying the Christmas tree...


  1. Oo, party at the pump rooms, I bet that was good! It's a gorgeous venue. Sounds like you've been a busy bee, like me, and not had too much time to plan outfits, with all the headspace taken up by menu planning! I'm about to attend my office party, so I have managed to put on jewellery and lipstick. Lovely job on the tree x

    1. Christmas menu planning? Are you going anything exotic?

      The Pump Rooms is a great venue; we usually have a work conference at the Assembly Rooms in October too. We get a bit spoiled for nice locations.

  2. Christmas card worthy photo, right there! It's beautiful ❤

    Isn't it nice to have a weekend where you can just pootle about. When we were doing the reenactment events, it was nice to have a weekend where we weren't expected to be somewhere and to B on display.

    Any photos of your Christmas party outfit? I have only ever been to fancy dress Christmas parties, went as Baby Jane once and was told to take the make up off as I was unsettling another guest!

    1. No, no photos - I meant to, but then got carried away having fun with my team. I only took one photo on my phone of the venue this year.


  3. I recently saw a video on FB called 'Cats hate christmas trees' or something similar and it was hilarious. Cats attacking the tree, the baubles, the tinsel etc.

    It sounds as if you've had a hectic weekend - the Pump Rooms must be such a lovely venue for a party. Your outfit sounds fab.

    It's good you scored some bargains in the chazzas - any chance of a peek?

    PS - I have some more patterns for you but have lost the email with your address on - can you resend it to me pls?

    1. The Pump Rooms is a great venue. THe food is good too - this year we all got pie and mash. It was a bit baffling as we asked one squiffy workmate what the food was and he said 'bagels' so we were confused to be given a pie. Duck only knows how he confused pies for bagels!

  4. What a fancy venue for the party. Your outfit sounds great. I used to work with women who'd start planning what to wear for the Xmas do and constantly ask what I was wearing. I always wore something I'd had for years - more money for booze!
    Pippin! Bless! xxx

    1. I've hit the point where I know I'll never look as nice as I dream of looking, so I don't bother trying. Much less stressful. And my team know what I look like anyhow.

      We're given drinks tokens, so we only need to buy booze when our tokens run out.

  5. I could watch that video over and over (I think I shall)because a kitten is just what I need now.

    I'm glad you were able to make the movie, and that your work party was a good time. You can't mention a crazy green chenille skirt and not show us!

    1. Kittens are ace. Ziggy is currently in the doghouse because he keeps unwrapping presents. He loves shredding paper - we usually let him have the junk mail that comes through the door - and the presents look like the best toys in the world to him.

  6. Doesn't Pippin look like butter wouldn't melt? Luckily, Phoebe is not interested in the tree at all, but then she is a proper grown up already. Party at the Pump Room, no less? How fabulous! xxx

    1. Pippin looks slightly melancholy and very sweet, but she's actually both very bright and full of mischief. She's been chewing fairy lights, the little toerag.

  7. Oh your poor tree! I would probably find that funny for about 30 seconds but then would get quite frustrated if they were my cats. Thankfully Norman was never really interested in the tree, although he did occasionally like to nibble at the wrapping paper on the presents!
    Glad to hear things are calming down a bit. I'm still waiting for that to happen! xx

    1. Ziggy has been unwrapping presents. Pippin has finally stopped climbing into the tree, though she is still stealing baubles and chewing fairy lights. This year, they've mostly used the tree as something to fight under.

  8. Cats! They are so funny with a tree. At leat they would be if it didn't cause bauble carnage. Your cats are very cute. I love the sound of your charity shop finds. Green is definitely one of your colours. I was ending myself and the "Nan" comment. Your Christmas party outfit sounded lovely. We had ours last Friday. I was sensible and left before I turned into a pumpkin. Apparently they were all in the hotel until 5am. The siren call of free drinks! I love TP books. He is definitely missed. Xx

    1. We bought all unbreakable baubles last year. The glass ones don't come out with those two around.

      5am? Ay caramba. I'm a mess if I go to sleep after 1am; can't imagine staying up till 5.

  9. Awww...Pippin's having a wonderful Xmas time!
    Please do show us the crazy green dress. Sounds like you're having fun doing the Xmas party rounds!

    1. Green skirt suit needs hemming - probably why it was only £2 - and then it will be worn. At this rate, I'll be wearing it on Christmas Day.

  10. Your tree does looks very festive, Mim. Moneychild decorated ours this year, so its looking very blingy!

    1. Kids love bling! Something we could all learn from them.

  11. You do realise that your Christmas tree is your present to the beasts?! One year, back in the day when we still used to buy a real tree, my beast actually went and pooed under the tree. When I told my neighbour, she said breezily, 'he probably mistook it for our tree. That's where he normally goes.' OOOops. Anyway, yours looks the business. You wore actual clothes to your Christmas do and that's what counts. ;) Q loves that film. We usually stop whatever we're doing when that comes on. It is truly Wonderful!

    1. Ew, manky moggy! (Ours go in next door's veg patch. We pretend not to notice.)

      The cats do have a Christmas present; I've bought them a toy jumping spider from Lakeland.

  12. I am a great one for being comfortable at parties, especially if food is involved.

    Thankfully our cats never felt the need to climb the tree though Tiger did used to smash all the baubles he could reach. far to lazy to climb the tree sitting batting a bauble was as much as he could be arsed to do.

    1. PIES! Work gave us pies at the party. We all approved greatly.

      We've let Pipping hang onto the silver bauble as that's her favourite; its clattering around the floorboards seems to appeal to her.


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