Whose crazy idea was this?

On a scale of Risky Things I Have Done, volunteering to knit a vintage woolly for a bride probably ranks pretty highly. My friend Sarah, who I met at Mrs Stokes’ Secret Tea Party, is getting married in October. Without giving away too much information on her dress, she wants a cardi or bolero from the same era. I sent her some images and ideas from my old Stitchcrafts and other magazines, including the one you see here. I've also sent her links to things on Ravelry and a lady selling PDFs of vintage knitting patterns. It turned out Sarah didn’t have a friendly knitter to do the job, so I have offered my services.

I don’t think I’d have dared to make this offer a year ago, but I do believe I can do it, and do it well. I knit neatly, my making-up skills are good, and I know from the Wartime Farm Sleeveless Pullover that I am capable of knuckling down and getting something really nice done relatively quickly. I’ve only really made one disappointing knit in the past couple of years, the Jersey with a Soft Bow, and the problem there is that it’s too large. (I work it into a 20s/30s look instead of a 50s one to make the most of the extra length and looser fit!) As long as I check my tension, check my tension, and remember to check my tension, the wedding woolly is doable and will look beautiful.

Once Sarah’s chosen her pattern, I’ll get her measurements and adjust the stitch counts accordingly. Then we can set about choosing yarn, getting the right colour to work with the dress – I’m hoping to be able to find an exact match.

In case you’re wondering what the answer to ‘What Would Morticia Addams Knit?’ was, it’s a Spider’s Web Shawl (half-hexagon version) from Victorian Lace Today, in Lang Alpaca Superlight. And it’s looking lovely so far! 


  1. Will be really interesting to see this. Hope she chooses a pattern that you will enjoy knitting. I wanted to knit a 1950s cropped jacket to go over my wedding dress when I got married last year. I didn't leave myself enough time so had to abandon it to save on stress! Have finished it now though, just needs sewing up. Always my least favourite part!

    1. Yes, timing is always the worst thing. I've always managed to hit my deadlines for other people, and have made sure I've got a long lead time on this one!

  2. Looking forward to seeing them, always impressed by good knitting.

  3. Ooh! looking forward to seeing this. What a lovely thing to do :)

  4. It really is a lovely thing to do.

    It was great to be able to tell people about my dress, but the icing on the cake is telling people that a friend is knitting me a special cardi. I am ridiculously excited about it, and so glad that I'll be wearing something I can wear again, too.


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