Steampunk knitting patterns

Rhian of The Crafty Geek sent me this link: The Sanguine Gryphon's autumn patterns are steampunk-themed. I have a soft spot for steampunk, and love hearing about the events my friends go to and the outfits they wear. (I have the yarn to make one of them a shawl from Jane Sowerby's book Victorian Lace Today, but finding the time to knit it has proved more difficult.) I think my favourite of the patterns is the Tirtoff jacket as I like the way it fastens. None of the patterns feels strongly Victorian, and I personally prefer steampunk that looks a little more historical, but none of these designs would be worn alone – unless you are determined to go out in nothing more than knitted spats! – so along with other steampunky items they probably look brilliant.


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